Tilda Publishing
Nowadays most people, especially young people, post photos on their social media pages. Currently, I am working on my project to find what photos teenagers in Zetland post in the Internet most often. As part of my project, I have found the pie chart with some relevant data on the subject and in this essay, I am going to analyze it.
The pie chart reveals that selfies and sights comprise a sizeable proportion of the purposes things that people take photos (36% and 34% respectively). Two other things such as landscapes and food are not popular ( only 20% and 7%).
Surprisingly, animal is not as widespread as the other things the pie chart shows. Perhaps it connected with the fact that people don't go to zoos or don't have pets.
When people do taking photos as hobby they can face with some problems. The main problem is lack of certain skills. At first, people have no experience and don't know where to start. To avoid this, you can take special courses and find reliable people as models on special sites on the Internet.
In conclusion, I want to say that good quality photos is important in our time. Thanks to good photos, teenagers can feel more confident and raise their authority among their friends.
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