Tilda Publishing
Nowadays most people work hard and get very tired. So they would like to relax somewhere and recover, Currently, I am working on my project to find how Zetlanders choose a place for their holidays. As part of my project, I have found the pie chart with some relevant data on the subject and in this essay I am going to analyze it.
The pie chart reveals that cost of accommodation and cost of traveling comprise a sizeable proportion of the purposes things that people pay attention to (40% and 25% respectively). Two other factors such as travel time and tourists are not popular ( only 18% and 11%).
Surprisingly, good Internet connection in the hotel is not as widespread as the other things the pie chart shows. Perhaps it connected with fact that people choose a hotel where is a good connection or they have their own mobile Internet, so it doesn't matter for them.
When people choose a place for their holidays they can face with some problems. The main problem is scammers. They are everywhere, even in a place that is familiar to you. To avoid such a situation, it is better to have a card and national currency with you, which must be placed in different places of luggage or bags.
In conclusion, I want to say that holidays are amazing time when we can relax. So I would recommend people to choose the right place, explore it and perhaps listen to the opinions of those people who have already been there.
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