Tilda Publishing
Nowadays we live in modern and interesting world, so a lot of people, especially teenagers, can try themselves in something new. Currently, I am working on my project to find why young people in Zetland do extreme sports. As part of my project, I have found the table with some relevant data on the subject and in this essay, I am going to analyze it.
The table reveals that getting some adrenalin and following modern trends comprise a sizeable proportion of the purposes reasons (47% and 15% respectively). Two other causes such as increasing self-confidence and fighting fears and stress are not popular ( only 14% and 13%).
Surprisingly, exploring one's limits is not as widespread as the other reasons the table shows. Perhaps it connected with fact that most people know their limits and don't want to try something more exciting.
When young people do extreme sports they can face with some problems. The main problem is getting injured. To avoid this, s it's necessary to follow simple rule. For example, use the full set of equipment necessary for your chosen type of extreme sports and obey the instructor's requirements.
In conclusion, I want to say that teenagers often try themselves at something and extreme sports are no exception. So extreme sports play special role in life of young people. It helps them to get positive emotions and become more brave.
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