Tilda Publishing
The theme of my project is popular ways to learn foreign languages in Zetland. I personally think that this topic is very important because nowadays we are surrounded by information and sometimes some studies comes only in foreign language. In this project I will observe the statistics which I’ve found in the Internet.
The most liked option is “ To attend a course or work with a tutor” (46%). The list liked option is “To have a pen pal in a foreign language” (4%).
Obviously the figure of “To attend a special course of work with a tutor” is much popular than “To have a pen pal in a foreign language”. Because it’s much easier to hire a tutor than to find someone who will be interested in writing letters or emails to you.
As for me the problem is that people don’t know how to practice their pronunciation skills and that issue makes their speech near to impossible to understand. That’s why I suggest to create pronunciation lessons in schools where students will watch films in original language. It will help them to find new idioms and understand accents and pronunciation of native speakers.
To conclude I think it’s important to learn foreign languages because it can help you to be safe while travelling abroad and also trainings your memory.
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