Tilda Publishing
Nowadays many students have a bad lifestyle: they drink alcohol, smoke and miss lectures. While doing a project on the major reasons for negative lifestyle choices students have in Zealand, I found a bar chart containing some relevant data that I am going to comment on.
As can be seen from the bar chart, the main reason why students follow such a lifestyle is lack of willpower(44%). Another interesting fact is that only 18% of the survey participants noted for ignoring healthy habits. By contrast, the least popular option is not noticing the consequences of bad habits, at 4%.
Based on the bar chart, it can be inferred that such reason as laziness (26%) is more popular than maintaining a bad routine(8%) as the difference between both these options is 18 percentage points. It is unsurprisingly because nowadays many young adults are irresponsible and lazy to make an effort to change themselves, their lives.
One problem that may arise with leading an unhealthy lifestyle is that it can cause health broblems:obesity, heart attacks and so on. A possible solution to this problem is to make new healthy habits: go in for sports, keep a diet, take up educative and interesting hobbies.
In conclusion, I cling to the idea that lifestyle habits play an important role in students' lives as it determines the way students spend their time, money and abilities.
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