Tilda Publishing
It goes without saying that using smartphones is an extremely important part of people’s life nowadays. It provides them with opportunities to communicate with the world no matter where they are as well as entertain themselves. The current project focuses on usage smartphones in people’s life. The information provided in this chart is about phone usage that people are daily involved in. As it is evident from the chart the majority of people, accounting for more than four quarters, use their smartphones for emails. The next popular activity is making phone calls. The figures are 21% and 19% respectively. The chart plainly indicates that just a few people do purchases with their phones, at only 15%.
Comparing the data given in the diagram, it becomes obvious that almost five times more people use emails than those who use smartphones for doing purchases. Almost the same number of people, with a difference of 10%, surf the Internet and play games accordingly.
The chart clearly illustrates that people mostly use their smartphones for emails, calls and surfing the Internet. The first and the third activities might cause some damage for their health. One of them is sight damage. It is a serious problem since one should either wear glasses or to have a sight correction surgery. One of the probable solutions to the problem is doing eye gymnastics. Thus, exercises for eyes would certainly sharpen one’s eye sight.
To sum up, smartphones are used for a lot of purposes nowadays and the sphere of their usage is growing. In my personal opinion, paying for purchases using NTF system that is built in almost every smartphone should be used more because it is more safe and comfortable.
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