Шаблон описания картинок

Hello, Alice! I’ve found two photos for our project on shopping alternatives (тема проекта). I will explain my reasoning.
· give a brief description of the photos, justifying the choice of the photos for the project
Obviously, both the photos are a good choice because they are related to the topic of our project. In my opinion, these photos are perfect as they illustrate different kinds of sports activities, или My additional justification is that they illustrate two shopping alternatives. Talking about the differences, the key difference is that in the 1st picture the man is playing football, while in the 2nd picture the girl is swimming.
· say in what way the pictures are different, justifying the choice of the photos for the project
Since neither of the ways of shopping is perfect, they have their pros and cons.
· mention the advantages and disadvantages (1-2).
The main advantage of первая картинка ……. Also, …..
Вторая the benefit of…… However, …..
Personally, I’d like to ……What’s more, ……..
· express your opinion on the subject of the project and why.

Alice, let me know if you approve of my choice of the photos. Bye for now.
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