советы как улучшить ответ по заданию 4
(с примером)

Основной критерий оценивания этого задания – это решение коммуникативной задачи (содержание), т.к. при его отсутствии остальные не рассматриваются.

Для получения максимального балла нужно:
1. Сказать 12-15 фраз, то есть по 3-4 фразы на каждый пункт плана. Можно сказать и больше, но не забываем о времени (3 минуты). Высказывание должно быть завершенным. Если в высказывании меньше предложений, то баллы снижаются (10-11 фраз 2 балла, 8 – 9 – 1 балл, до 7 фраз – 0 баллов).
Что такое фраза?
Именно полными предложениями = фразами эксперты ЕГЭ и считают.
Однако есть нюансы:
- длинные предложения делим на два после второго союза. Например: They are smiling and they are reading and my sister is dancing. Здесь будет два предложения=две фразы;
- а вот “I keep the photo in my album because it reminds me those happy moments” - одна фраза=предложение.
2. Обязательно нужно уложиться во время (3 мин).
3. Раскрыть все 4 пункта плана. При этом:
- не нарушить логику (то есть, не переставлять пункты плана местами);
- начать с вступления с обращением к другу и сказать обязательно заключительную фразу;
- между пунктами плана использовать связки-переходы, средства логической связи.

Примеры фраз по пунктам плана:
· Hello, Alice! I’ve found two photos for our project on …. I will explain my reasoning.
· Hi, Olga! Hope the photos I have found are suitable for our project “”. Let me give you some reasons for my choice.
· Hi Yoda, how are you doing? I have just found some pictures for our project “…” and I’d like to say a few words about them.
· Hi Joker, I’ve found 2 photos for our project and I would like to tell you about them.

Краткое описание и различия (1 пункт плана)
· Let me start with describing the pictures. In the first one there is/are … In the other picture you can see …
· Let me describe the pictures for you. The first photo shows … In the second photo one can see …
· I have chosen these pictures because they perfectly illustrate our project …
· These pictures are perfect for our project because they show/illustrate …
· Obviously, there are some differences between the pictures. In the 1st one …, but in the 2nd one …. Apart from that, in the first picture …, whereasin the other picture …
· Obviously, the two photos show popular…: …. In photo 1 there is a.... Photo 2 shows…
· These photos are quite different. There is/are … in the first picture, while there is/are … in the second one.
· Obviously, both the photos are a good choice because they are related to…
· As for the differences in the pictures, one can see that there is/are …
· Talking about the differences, the key difference is that in the 1st picture …, while in the 2nd picture ….

Достоинства (2 пункт плана)
· Since people prefer …in different ways, depending on their personal preferences, the photos illustrate two … ideas with some differences between them. One noticeable difference lies in… Besides,…
· Now I will discuss the advantages of ….
· My additional justification is that they illustrate two shopping alternatives: …
· The great advantage of … is that …
· As for the advantages, … .
· Talking about …, its advantage is that … .
· Understandably, … choices are made, they are not perfect, and there are always pluses and minuses. On the plus side,… . On the minus side, …
· Since neither of the ways of shopping is perfect, they have their pros and cons. The main advantage of ……. Also, …..
· the benefit of……

Недостатки (3 пункт плана)
· However, …..
· Now I will discuss the disadvantages of ….
· One of the key disadvantages of … is …
· As for the disadvantages, … .
· Talking about …, its drawback is that … .

Мнение (4 пункт плана)
· If I were asked about my idea of …, it would…
· Personally, I … because …
· In my opinion, … The main reason for this is the fact that …
· As for me, I … because …
· In conclusion, I would like to say that I consider …

· That’s my reasoning. I wonder what you think about the photos. Bye for now.
· Alice, let me know if you approve of my choice of the photos. Bye for now.

· That’s all for now. Tell me your opinion about the pictures!
· That’s it. Please, tell me what you think about these photos.
· That’s all from me now, Please, get in touch with me and say what you think about the photos.

План ответа:
· introduction
· give a brief description of the photos (connected with the topic) + note the differences . mention why they’re good for our project
· mention the advantages
· mention the disadvantages
· express your opinion on the subject of the project – which … you prefer and why
· conclusion

· возможно допустить не больше 3-ех негрубых лексико-грамматических ошибок или 3-ех негрубых фонетических ошибок.
· Примеры грубых ошибок, за которые снижают баллы:
· отсутствие согласования подлежащего и сказуемого (they am/ he have), неправильная постановка артикля (in background/ we see a people),
· употребление Present Simple (употребляем при описании действий Continuous Tense) при описании картинки,
· ошибка в элементарной лексике (dress вместо wear, watch вместо look at, beer вместо bear),
· произношение слова thing /θɪŋ/ как /sɪŋ/.


Шаблон описания картинок

Hello, Alice! I’ve found two photos for our project on shopping alternatives. I will explain my reasoning.
· give a brief description of the photos, justifying the choice of the photos for the project
Obviously, both the photos are a good choice because they are related to тема проекта своими словами
· say in what way the pictures are different, justifying the choice of the photos for the project
My additional justification is that they illustrate two shopping alternatives: различия
· mention the advantages and disadvantages (1-2) of the two ways of spending weekends in summer
Since neither of the ways of shopping is perfect, they have their pros and cons. The main advantage of первая картинка ……. Also, …..
Вторая the benefit of…… However, …..
· express your opinion on the subject of the project – whether you would like to have a summer weekend hiking in the mountains and why.
Personally, I’d like to ……What’s more, ……..
Alice, let me know if you approve of my choice of the photos. Bye for now.

Пример ответа:

Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a school project “Sports activities” together with your friend. You have found some photos to illustrate it but for technical reasons you cannot send them now. Leave a voice message to your friend explaining your choice of the photos and sharing some ideas about the project. In 2.5 minutes be ready to:

  • explain the choice of the illustrations for the project by briefly describing them and noting the differences;
  • mention the advantagesc(1-2) of the two ways of spending leisure time;
  • mention the disadvantages (1-2) of the two ways of spending leisure time;
  • express your opinion on the subject of the project – which way of sports activities you would prefer and why.

You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2-3 sentences for each item of the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.

1. Hi Yoda, how are you doing? I have sent you some photos for our project “Sports activities” and I’d like to say a few words about them.
2. In the first picture one can see a man running with the football on the pitch. He’s probably going to score a goal. There is a girl wearing a swimsuit in the swimming pool in the second picture. She’s standing in the water, looking in the camera and smiling. In my opinion, these photos are perfect for our project as they illustrate different kinds of sports activities. Talking about the differences, the key difference is that in the 1st picture the man is playing football, while in the 2nd picture the girl is swimming. Another difference is that the man is having a workout outside, whereas the girl is swimming in the building.
3. I believe that the two types of sports activities presented in the pictures have their advantages and disadvantages. As for football, its biggest advantage is that you use different muscles while playing it and get fresh air, which can be good for your body. Talking about swimming, one of its advantages is that it is a useful skill to have. If you know how to swim, you can feel safe and confident in the water.
4. Now I will discuss the disadvantages of the two types of activities. One of the biggest disadvantages of football is the risk of injury. Football is a contact sport and players can get hurt while playing. One disadvantage of swimming is that it can be time-consuming. It takes time to get to the pool, change into your swimsuit, and shower afterwards.
5. Overall, doing any kind of sport is beneficial for your health. But I personally prefer football because I love team sports. Here you need to work together with your teammates to win the game. This can help you learn how to communicate effectively and work towards a common goal.
6. That’s all from me now. Please, get in touch with me and tell me what you think about these photos.
(20 фраз)
источник https://4languagetutors.ru/speaking-4-ege/

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